I hope the future will imprint our fossils on the same rock is a performance that plays with the recontextualization of nature and repositioning of the human in the natural built by it. Performing the lamentation of being human through a comparison with The Plant. The human being and the plant being are often regarded as separate entities whose only common ground is the exchange of oxygen. Through this performative act, the performer dedicates and an ode to The Plant by taking the vegetal traits and trying to explain them using associations with the human being.
Alexandra Boaru (b. 1997, Romania; Timisoara) Alexandra is a multidisciplinary artist, her works including photography, performance and video. Philosophical questions are at the core of her practice provoking the concept of \’\’human\’\’ and its impact towards the exterior, others or its own self. One of the main themes that can be seen throughout her artworks is the exploration of boundaries between being human and becoming something else, using her body as a mannequin and willingly objectifying herself. She becomes bot the observer and the observed. Her approach can often be described as poetical, being influenced by the 20th-century literature and the \’70s conceptualism.