\”The Swifts\” is a short juggling film featuring handdrawn animations. It was created by Portland-based juggling performer Anni Küpper and inspired by the migrating birds that come through the city every September. Juggling + Animation: Anni Küpper (www.anni-juggling.de) Video + Editing: Devin Tucker (instagram: @sensazions) Music: Bemya Nymh (www.bemya.art) Costume: Anna Kemp (www.annakemp.co/) Drone footage: Willow Solow (www.solowpress.com) This project was supported by the Regional Arts and Culture Council (RACC).
Anni is one the world\’s leading female juggling performers. Her acts already inspired audiences all around the globe and won several awards for inspiration. Originally born in Germany, Anni graduated from the Academy for Circus and Performance Art (NL), where she developed a striking juggling style that soon gained recognition within the juggling scene. Her acts are shaped by conceptual ideas coming from Performance Art and convince with high skills and a charming, authentic stage character. Next to performing Anni is a sought-after instructor and has been teaching workshops and masterclasses worldwide. She is currently a juggling coach at The Circus Project in Portland, Oregon.