23rd SEPT2018 at 6pm UTC Fossar de les Moreres by Jazmin Taco

23rd September 2018 at 6pm UTC

Jazmin Taco

(Bern, Switzerland)

Fossar de les Moreres

performance live

DESCRITPION: Since I arrive in Barcelona I see the Cataluña flag everywhere, I see children, woman, men, old people with flags, even their pets have flags. Thats why I have a strong feeling of marking the flag with my breast as a homage to Catalunya.
I choose to make the performance at The Fossar de les Moreres because it is a strong historical place.
The plaza was built over a cemetery where defenders of the city were buried following the Siege of Barcelona at the end of the War of the Spanish Succession in 1714. The plaza retains its everyday use as a public space, but also prominently features a memorial to the fallen Catalans of the war, with a torch of eternal flame and a heroic poem by Frederic Soler, “El Fossar de les Moreres”.
The performance takes place at the same day of La Mercè Festival ( 23 of September 2018). The festival has been celebrated since the Middle Ages. During the festival, close to two million people attend cultural and artistic presentations held throughout the city. Artist website: www.jazmintaco.ch

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