25 FEB 2021 9pm UTC “Party” (dance2) by Sandra Božić (New York, US) dur 60min

link to join Party via Zoom:

“Party” by Sandra Božić

register to join party here

All are invited!

Party-it is an online performance that invites all to join and come to the party on Thursday 25 February 9pm UTC. It is the second in the serial “Dances”. Making a party everybody is invited to come. It is an interactive action between each other, all who wants to join in the event. It will be happening live through streaming over “zoom” link: simple dance, drink, eat, date, chat…

Music is playing Oblinof Kohara.

Let’s meet, use imagination and have fun for an hour in this live online performance – party.

register to participate the performance here

Host: Sandra

Music: Oblinof Kohara

Sandra Božić is an engineer of architecture and performance artist born in Belgrade, Serbia(ex Yugoslavia). She lives in New York City, USA. Her professional work is based on performance art and architectural projects that are inspired by everyday life. She is the author and founder of social media platforms: Online Performance Art(www.onlineperformanceart.com) and Online Museum – Onlineum (www.onlineum.com). She realized over 50 live performances.


Oblinof Kohara