When you zone out, what do you think of? Do you feel that in the behavior of zoning out, one may be more like their real self and you more desired at the moment?
Shan Shen 07542389349 Shens6989@gmail.com Experience of working in arts education University of Roehampton London, United Kingdom MFA Choreography Hong Kong Golden Bauhinia Dance Competition “ Xi Shui ”Gold Award Hong Kong 19/07/2012 Participate in the Beijing International Dance Fortnight Study Beijing 21/07/2013 Performance at Beijing National Grand Theater “Chang\’e Flying to the Moon” Beijing 08/09/2014 Performed by the Confucius Institute in Jordan, the national dance Jordan country 30/09/2014 Selected works “Where plastic”, Beijing International Youth Dance Exhibition Beijing 22/07/2016 Creation work “change qualitatively” Won the school\’s best creative award Shenyang 06/26/2016 Works \”Sea Turtle\” participated in the DE-CORPS-STRUCTION exhibition Macau 10/27/2017 Original works “Miss orange\’s procrastination”to participate Young Conference London 02/26/2018 Original works “The Door” Environmental dance performed in the Roehampton London 05/16/2019 Original dance movie “zone out” performance online zoom London 14/06/2020