This videoperformance shows \”an eternal dance\” of the internal struggle between depression and logic. Depression represented in a rope that ties you to it while it \”sings warmly\” (yellow light) in your ear while it seduces you to victimize yourself while logic strives to untie you in the midst of chaos and confusion to regain emotional control and return to be themselves.
BIO: Adriana Zúñiga Velásquez (Colombia, 1990) is a plastic artist who has been in training since 2017 at the “Instituto Departamental de Bellas Artes” in the city of Santiago de Cali. Her work focuses on \”resilience and empowerment due to suffering from Bipolar Affective Disorder\”, linking her everyday situations with personal reflections to plastic language. She stands out in performance, videoperformance and painting. ARTIST’S WEBSITE