The objective will be to stage the life of Tahereh (Fatemeh), the first Iranian feminist of the 19th century. Poetess and theologian, her interpretations religious texts led to her being condemned to death. She then declared to her executioners a phrase that has remained famous: “You can kill me whenever you want, but you will never be able to prevent the emancipation of women! She was then murdered using her own headscarf. The music played, whose title is Rooberoo, usually accompanies a poem by Tahereh, recently revived by the Iranian singer Mohsen Namjoo. At first, I will be asleep and rolled up in the carpet, then, little by little, following the music, I will wake up. Thereafter, I will fight in the mat. Finally, following the realization of this choreography, I will return to slip into the mat. Design and performance: Ameneh Moayedi Music: Reyhan Broumand
/Users/ameneh/Documents/BIO:CV/BIO:CV English/Bio En.pdf BIOGRAPHY Ameneh Moayedi is an Iranian visual artist and graphic designer who moved to France in 2012. Graduated from the Cambrai School of Art in 2015, she founded the graphic design studio Betterave Bleue the same year and, in 2016, resided at the Cité Internationale des Arts in Paris. Ameneh Moayedi has several solo and collective exhibitions to her credit, such as Ma vache folle, 20 juin 20 artistes, Sans abri at the Cité Internationale des Arts, Gestalt at the ESAC in Cambrai, Transatlantica, with the association Culture and Liberté de Lille, The horn that stings the buttocks of God, a series of drawings presented in 2016 at the Achraf gallery in Paris, then exhibited at the Neuesbild gallery in Trier, Germany. Inspired by her Persian culture, by the art and techniques of the rug, Ameneh Moayedi produced between 2013 and 2015 the projects Talking Carpet, Digital Weaving and the film En ce carré. The artist has also produced several performances including Bataille avec des Nœuds for the Lille Opera in 2013 and Cauchemar de Tapis, at the Phénix, Scène Nationale de Valenciennes in 2015. The artist has also worked on the illustration of the collection of poetry by Georges Oucif, A poet in life. As part of the 2017 Spring of Poets, she imagines with the poet an event that takes the form of an exhibition combining drawing and poetic reading at the ON-OFF Studio gallery. This same gallery organized in March 2018 a personal exhibition of Ameneh Moayedi entitled Insomnia. ARTIST’S WEBSITE