“Penelope, a Female Odyssey” is a choreography that portrays the inner Odyssey of Penelope while waiting for Ulysses year after year. The choreography is also focused on Penelope’s desire to emancipate herself together with all those women still trapped in endless expectations that makes them lose their identity by aspiring to such an equality that never existed despite an apparent freedom. It’s the Odyssey of the new millennium, because Penelope from the past tell us about a reality that has not yet been realized today. It’s a “home” journey, in which the woman becomes the protagonist and crosses her suffering and her loneliness, showing the vulnerability of this waiting, that imprisons her in the role of faithful wife and mother, constantly threatened by Suitors and forgotten as a woman and as a person. Thanks to Dance, Penelope seeks a new expressive space to scream at the world the anger and frustration of this expectation and tells her story from her point of view and not only from her husband’s that we have been accustomed to.
Dancer, Performer, Dance Teacher. Graduated at Teatro Nuovo in Turin – Professional Course for Contemporary dancers and Professional course Expert choreutich disciplines – graduated in International Studies for Development and Cooperation and graduated in Socio-Psycho Pedagogical studies. Graduated from ACSI Italia for Dance Teaching. She begins to approach the study of Classic Dance at the age of six, and at the age of eight she continues developing her studies by taking the exams of the Dance Art International of London, adding also the study of Modern Dance, Jazz Dance and other styles (afro, funky, carribean and latin dance, character dance…) At the age of sixteen she approaches the study of Contemporary Dance, that she will choose as her choreographic belonging language. In those years she has the chance to participate as Dancer in two Performances directed by the Choreographer Nikos Lagousakos. In 2012 she started to study in the Professional Courses at Teatro Nuovo di Torino with the Masters Antonio Della Monica, Giovanni Mancini, Niurka De Saa, Maria Elena Fernandez, where she has the opportunity to deepen the technique and the pedagogy of Contemporary, Modern Dance (Floorwork, Improvisation, Horton and Cunningham Technique) and Classic Dance. In the same years she trained with Ammonia Danza Dance Company, in their choreographic workshops and in their productions, in a professional path that allows her to train with Masters as Roberto Fascilla, Mia McSwain, Julia Pond and Kristine Westman and to participate at the intensive Dance trainings in West Finland College (Huittinen-Finland) and to work from 2013 to 2017 as Dancer and Choreographer\’s assistant of the Company, participating in numerous Festivals and events (like Collinarea, RossoinScena, Genova Outsider Dance Festival and more). In 2013 she is selected for the project CO.DANCE where she studied Community Dance with Franca Zagatti. Since 2014 she works as Dancer, Performer and Dance Teacher for GDS Dance Company – Balletto di Genova and in 2018 she joined the Eleven Dance Company in Milan, as well she also works as a Freelance Dancer in several Performance and Events in Italy. In the same years she deepens more the study of Contemporary Dance (along with Modern and Classic Dance and Performance), constantly following classes, masterclasses and workshops with different Masters and Choreographers like Virgilio Sieni, Pompea Santoro, Raffaele Irace, Marco De Alteriis, Michela Lucenti, Daniele Ninarello, Marta Ciappina, Alberta Palmisano, Macia Del Prete, Erika SilgonerAfter settling in Milan she started working as independent Dancer and creating projects and collaborations with other Artists. I In 2019 she is chosen to participate in the educational Choreographic Project TRACCIA, created by Francesca Cola and Tommaso Serratore in collaboration with Doriana Crema, Francesca Cinalli and Paolo De Santis In 2020 she follows the COUNTERTECHNIQUE ONLINE SERIES, in 2021 is selected for the Choreographic residency GRACES DANZA PUBBLICA with Silvia Gribaudi and is also among the finalists of the Dance Video Contest INSTADANCE EXPRESSION directed by Salvatore NicolosI. Her first steps as an author begin in 2019, when she performs the piece on the subject of migrants arriving from the sea, MEDITERRANEA PLEASE CALL MALTA within the duo DDPROJECT, while in the spring of 2021 she continues as a solo author and begins her first solo work PENELOPE, FEMININE ODYSSEY with which she has been choosen as Artist for the MALAFEMME FEST in Taranto and in the theatrical review A CUORE APERTO in Padova, at the TUDANZAS Festivals in Barcelona and for PER-FORMING in Bologna . With an adaptation of the same Performance is also invited to participate in the ROMA BUSKER FESTIVAL together wiith the musician Sabrina De Mitri, for which she will also be a dancer in the video of her new piece THE MOON. In 2022 creates, together with the Dancer and Teacher of Dance Ingrid Gregoric, the show – workshop for children I TESORI DEL CUORE, staged in the Fabbrica del Vapore of Milano and in the House of Culture in Slovenia. In 2021 she works with Nadia Beugré in the remake of her pièce QUARTIER LIBRE at Museg Festival in Segovia (Madrid) and at Short Theatre Festival in Rome In the same year she takes part in the NELKEN LINE MILAN directed by Aida Vainieri In 2022 in among the Dancers chosen for the Dance Marathon LA DANZA DELLE 12 ORE, with the Artistic Direction of Danila Massara.In March 2022 she was selected among the 12 dancers participating in the DANCE MARATHON in Milan and in July 2022 she participated in the DELTEBRE DANCE Festival studying with teachers Marión Sparber, Alàn Fuentez, Sadé Alleyne, Lucija Romanova and Lali Ayguadé. ARTIST’S WEBSITE