In 2019 Castle in Time Orchestra began to perform open form concert using original and universal conducting sign languages such as \”Conduction\” by Butch Morris, \”Rhythm and Percussion with Signs\” by Santiago Vazquez and mainly \”Soundpainting\” by Walter Thompson, which is a multidisciplinary live composing sign language comprises more than 1500 gestures that are signed by the Soundpainter (composer) to indicate the type of material desired of the performers. The creation of the compositions is realized, by the conductor, through the parameters of each set of signed gestures. Open form concerts allow us to improvise with sound, movement, visual art, light design, and more. Each concert is profoundly different from the other and modularly fits itself to a specific space, time, content, and amount of performers while providing a unique virtuoso vibrant experience.

- watch: 22nd October 2020 at 4pm UTC
- duration: 45min
BIO: Castle in time is an independent orchestra that was formed by the need to hear and create a large ensemble that contains classical and electronic instruments that perform original music. The musicians mostly in their late twenties, trying to challenge and connect between an up-to-date fresh poppy sound and the institution called \”orchestra\”. Its repertory is multimedia that combines music, movement, and video. There is a tight bond between the instrumentalists and the composers of the orchestra. The composition of the material is always a dialogue and a collaborative creation process among these two. During the rehearsals the action of conducting was developed to be an unusual act of performance, combining improvisation and a live communication languish. ARTIST’S WEBSITE