In the hectic going by of an inflexibly demanding life; to the ladies and gentlemen is presented the pantomimic interpretation of the connecting thread embroidered between order and chaos, reason and madness, hostility and success. In the acted scene everyone is the protagonist of life. Out of space, beyond time, over rythm. It is yours, metaphisical coprotagonists of this open curtain, the duty of merging into the mosaic on the stage. No fear of adversity. Certainly, the need of acompanion for the adventure. It is precisely in the magic of the agreement between partners that lies the brightest way for the summit. Where reciprocity leads, no fear can bend those who decided to take careof each other.
BIO: Federica Taffoni: She started her ballet studies when she was 7, with the school Dance Work, directed by Luana Bondiciutti. When she was 15, she began her professional studies thank to a scholar ship she won for the MaxBalletAcademy of Florence, directed by Massimiliano Terranova. She finished her studies winning a scholar ship for the dance program Dance at Work of Eugenio Buratti, for training dance. As professional dancer, she danced with: Controverso Danza, Emox Balletto, Kinesis CDC. Francesca Roini: She started her working experience as a dancer when she was 16, with the Milano Contemporary Ballet junior company, directed by Roberto Altamura. Then she continued working with: Dejà Donné, Kinesis CDC, Arena di Verona, La Biennale di Venezia.