- watch: 17th August 2020 at 5pm UTC
- duration: 15min
The Performance SiT explores the symbolic diversity of human sexuality using the concept of translation in a provocative and ironic way. The idea that sex is deeply embedded in the construction of gender identity and even more generally in the construction of social identity in all its varieties (sex, race, age, etc.) is at the core of Judith Butler’s reflection on queer identities which defy normative heterosexuality and proudly assume the stigma of abjection homosexual subjects are submitted to (thereby inversing it as tool of political fight). In the short article “Gender” (published in the American version of VEP) Butler originally uses Laplache and Pontalis’ psychoanalytic conception of children exposition to – and constitutive misunderstanding of – adult sexuality suggesting that our sexuality is the result of the translation of the cryptic and somewhat menacing messages our parents and the whole adult world sent to us about it during childhood. The Performance stages on the one hand an interaction between two adults in which sexuality is deformed and deconstructed in all its main traits – especially gender stereotypes (in dance, dressing etc.) and the violent dimension of pornography as a representation of the patriarchal dominance in its late capitalistic version. On the other hand, the translation of sexuality is performed by a child giving her back to the adult performers and freely reproducing patterns of what she is feeling/ imagining/dreaming about their performance. In the infantine translational games, sexuality shows at the best its connection with an omnipotent desire in which oppositions between good and evil, pleasure and pain, activity and passivity seems to blur in a continuous metamorphosis of forms and senses. In the adult translational games the specific disturbance produced by the entrance into chaos, tensions and contradiction is embodied in a series of metamorphosis and interactions.
Sex in Translation
Connecting Fingers Company
Concept: Sara Fortuna
Dramaturgy/Coreography: Daniela Lucato
Performers: Giulia Fani, Roberta Ricci, Nicola Campanelli
Music: David Travers
BIO: Daniela Lucato started playing theatre in Padua (Italy) parallel to her studies at the university. After her degree in Philosophy she moved to Rome, Wellington and finally Berlin where she works as an actress/filmmaker. The Birthday (2014), her first short film written/directed in mandarin/english language, has been officially selected from 25 international festivals (among these Micgenero, Frameline, ShanghaiPride where the film was also nominated for the best cinematography). In 2015 she founded Connecting Fingers Company. Her last productions for theatre are Connecting Fingers, The Wheel, The rebellious Body. Her last films When I dance (2016),The Wheel (2017) are screening on international film festivals. For the time being (2018) received the award as best international short film at DUAF/ Tribeca Film Center. In 2019 she wrote/directed the experimental short film Vieni and in 2020 the narrative short Mamma dorme (Mommy’s sleeping). During Covid-19 she wrote(directed and performed in the short film My name is Sami. ARTIST’S WEBSITE