- New Time: 2nd April 2020 at 1am UTC
- watch: 31st March 2020 at 10pm UTC
- duration: 30 min
A 20/30 minute presentation, divided into three stages of 10 minutes each in my bathroom. The concept of bathing “taking a shower” as a measure of physical and spiritual purification, in connection with the current situation, together with voodoo practice aims to prevent our contamination and that of others. A ritual that seeks help from the physical and spiritual plane to prevent the advance of the virus.
BIO: I am a multidisciplinary Uruguayan-American artist who works mainly in the area of painting, photography, acting and philanthropy. As an active person who is part of the civil society, it is (in my opinion) indispensable and “mandatory” to propose artistic initiatives focused on social difficulties, because an activity of this kind rescues from the environment deteriorated values and resources. Personally, I consider artists to be an essential element of the social fabric, as people who analyze the characteristics of culture and try to innovate the structures of reality through alternative methods and practices. Therefore, from a personal point of view, I develop the technical and intellectual capacities of a professional! to provide adequate proposals that help us to mitigate the challenges posed by today’s world. ARTIST’S WEBSITE