Ukel Jagat : The Counterclockwise Ukel The Counterclockwise trying to show Ukel’s motion that dialectics within the reality filled with a pile of narratives. A tradition that fights for its existence today from the onslaught of modernism stream. As if it was the destiny of Ukel’s own movement. Which basically is Sundanese dance movement that turning the wrist counter-clockwise. This performance offers a perspective on building reality, by accommodating masculine and feminine elements. Both of these elemental characters are displayed in turn. The intention is not to clash with each other and compete. But they exert each other’s advantages in order to counterclockwise current era Ukel Jagat ( Indonesia) Menunjukkan gerak Ukel bahwa dialektika di dalam realitas penuh dengan setumpuk narasi. Sebuah tradisi yang memperjuangkan eksistensinya saat ini dari gempuran arus modernisme. Seolah-olah itu adalah takdir gerakan Ukel sendiri. Yang pada dasarnya adalah gerakan tari Sunda yang memutar pergelangan tangan berlawanan arah jarum jam. Pertunjukan ini menawarkan perspektif dalam membangun realitas, dengan mengakomodir unsur maskulin dan feminim. Kedua karakter elemental ini ditampilkan secara bergantian. Tujuannya bukan untuk saling bentrok dan bersaing. Tapi mereka menggunakan keunggulan satu sama lain untuk melawan era saat ini. Art. Director : Galih Mahara Performer : Deri Albadri M. Sn / Guntara S. Sn Writen : Kenny Fahmy Mulyadi Doc/Camera : Dede Sahrudin
Galih Mahara has known the world of art, especially dance, since he studied at the Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI) in 2007. He studied dance majoring in dance and entered the dance division of KIG Dance Community. Engaged in working on and arranging dance in the campus division, dance Community and theater. Became a 24-hour dancer on world Dance Day in Surakarta in 2011. In supporting the deepening of dance, he participated in the 2016 IDF ( Indonesia dance festival) Artistic Research. Recidency dance class Contemporary and Collaboration with P7:1sma Company in Singapore. Masterclass And lecture performance Arco Renz at Goodmant art center Singapure.. And in 2019 he became artistic director at Maharaku Studio. ARTIST’S WEBSITE