During the rites common to Exú, the Padé, an offering ritual, is common. I danced for exu and put my name on the foot of the saint is a photo and video performance series that brings the dance and offering of candles to the Orixá as a way of meeting and homage that readapts the tradition, making its rite of offering body and art to Exú in a current and affective way.
Massuelen Cristina is from Sabará, Minas Gerais. Artist and researcher, graduated in Psychology from FUMEC University and specialist in Visual Arts as a technologist at the Interschool Center for Culture, Art, Languages and Technologies (CICALT). A polymathic artist, his work crosses the crossroads of performance, painting, audiovisual and installation. His research revolves around the ethnographies of the rite as a time and space for the development of symbolic narratives and the iconographies of body-territory relations. Awarded at the Vozes Agudas for Women Artists Awards (2020), Itaú Cultural Prize for Visual Arts (2020) and 7th BDMG CULTURAL/FCS Award (2021) she also participated with works at MIP4 – International Performance Show (2021) Rio de Janeiro- FIAR (2021), MOSTRA VERBO at Galeria Vermelho in São Paulo and Galeria Chão SLZ in São Luiz (2022) In addition to Artist Residencies such as LAB CULTURAL BDMG (2021) and Instituto de Arte Contemporânea de Ouro Preto (2021). ARTIST’S WEBSITE