Phenomenology is a current or method in the philosophy of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. It is a descriptive philosophy of experience whose purpose is to describe the process by which a particular experience comes to our consciousness directly. Heidegger defined phenomenology as an ontology that explains what causes an object to be what it is. This explanation is not a physical explanation, but an explanation of the inner nature and meaning of the concept. In this analytical-phenomenological process man must detach himself from theories and prejudices in order to be able to treat the phenomenon “as it is”. (Wikipedia) This chapter, invites the viewer to a phenomenological observation of things as they are, and seeks to watch them from the sidelines and at the same time be part of a seductive story to ask questions and indulge in unanswered. “And things are simple and living, and they are allowed to be touched,” wrote Leah Goldberg in the poem “True” and in this part of the work, opens a gate to be in simplicity, without implying and directing and without demanding the transition. Just be with the secret of things as they are. Instead of “home inspection”, this last part of the work, seeks to cleanse the mind and senses and treat the body and spirit simply, as they are. There is no sand, no time …. no dirt and earth, no Creator intention and desire to be in control and resemble it.