A biographical journey. The mother earth, breast milk, the placenta. we are mother The mother has to dance. (Being a mother dancer seemed impossible when I just wanted to dance in 1997.) Every human being has a mother. Mine was born in the war. The noise, the fear and the destruction were all stored in her. I have it in me, born in peace. 25 years later. I am dancing a peace ritual. I would like to plead for peace and address my questions to the audience. I wish for a critical exchange again. My body, movement and perception experience as a choreography. An installation accompanied by self-produced electronic music and in collaboration with musicians. inland emotion nostalgia Feel the ground, the wood stillness and movement the voice of the violin deep wet-land seedlings attachment rain moisture fulfillment.
Artist / poet / hybrid/Performer/dancer Nadja Haas * 1970 Wiesbaden, Germany Foundation Course Painting and Drawing Bayam Shaw, London, UK BA Fine Art Multimedia / Painting, Kingston University, Surrey GB Diploma, Performing Arts Dance / Choreography, Holborn Performing Arts Center, London, UK; MA Master Degree Slade School of Fine Arts, UCL London GB Nadja lives and works in Berlin internationally recognized as a performance machine. ARTIST’S WEBSITE