- watch: 17th August 2020 at 9pm UTC
- duration: 2 min
This performance art is a response as a performance artist to COVID-19 as a global health concern. This is to raise awareness of the challenge and concerns brought by 2019-nCoV to the world. Every effort should be given to understand and control the disease, and the artist believes that the time to act is now. The river is associated with all forms of water, just as it represents every Filipino citizen being involved in the fight against the pandemic.
BIO: Nic Aca is a visual artist from Cagayan de Oro City. He has participated in a number of national and international performance art festivals, including DJAMOE 6 in 2017 at Bandong, Indonesia, LATENT ACTION ASEAN VILLAGE PROJECT in 2016 at Xian, China, and 18th ASIAN ART BIENNALE 2018 in Bangladesh. Recently, his work, “Self Portrait: The Artist as Performance” was a Finalist for the Philippine Art Awards 2019.