Alperen Kartal (Ankara, TURKEY): Camera and it’s shadow(s)
- duration: 40 min
- watch: 30th March 2019 at 7 pm UTC
I will to write a letter to the camera about how it is like being watched by it. There will be just my hands, paper and stuff. I will create certain dynamics between hiding the paper from the camera and showing it. Sometimes I will read it aloud, sometimes I will be silent but I will not write. Eventually, there will be an asemic writing archive consisting of sound, shapes of ink and independent of the language of the camera. How much of the thoughts can the camera record? What kind of relationship is that the between my muscles and my voice? This is a psychosomatic and cinematographic research philosophy project.
BIO: Alperen Kartal is an visual artist, writer, walker, thinker, performance and theatre researcher. Alperen Kartal tries to produce texts that have not come to humanity before, but according to him, the text is a distorted abstract state of writing. For this reason, he uses poetry, photography and theatre throughout his work. It aims to produce a new style of discourse by introducing a New onto-theology and metaphysical perspective into the fields of topology and logic. He published his first book, \”Moratoryum için Torso\” 2017, Kurgu Kültür Publishing, Ankara-Turkey. He awarded 2015-2016 quarter of Turkey Philosophy Olimpics, Ankara and 2017 awarded for publication, Konuşturulamayan, Ahmet Hamdi Tanpınar Poem Contest, Bursa, Turkey. He is currently studying Theatrical Writing at Theatre Deparment of Ankara Univercity-Turkey. ARTIST’S WEBSITE