OPAF11_Zofia Kuligowska and Wojciech Bernatowicz

Zofia Kuligowska and Wojciech Bernatowicz (Warsaw, Poland): An empty message cannot be sent zofiak
  • duration: 7 min
  • watch: 27th March 2019 at 12 pm UTC


An Empty message cannot be sent – It is a spoken word/song accompanied by Wojciech Bernatowicz on bass. It is a kind of a podcast for alien civilisation, a compilation of states of mind, a communicate sent to the space. Now we would like to send it to the virtual space online. The title comes from the communicate I received on my phone. It means that o send a message we always have to have something to say, we can’t just send the blank message. The words are as follows:

Good morning,



closer to me.

Today is Wednesday

27th march

its 1.00 pm

Surja came up at four-forty,

Swarog and Shamasz half an hour later,

Saule shed light as usual at six.

The information

that is a message

for those who are not here

comes from the galaxy milky way,

the third planet from the star.

Continent Europe,


Online Performance Festival.


a different art than performance art

ceased to exist.

Performers do performance for performers.

This is the reflection of the reflection of the reflection of the

There performers are divided into

marvelous artists,

forced artists and

shit artists.

Some wanders,

others strive.

You are alike,

You are so alike,

Like mannequins.

We are moving

in the field

of what we call

the Unknown.

Life is life la la la la la.

Between one thousand nine hundred and eighty eight

and one thousand nine hundred and ninety four

Poland floated in the cosmic soup.

It’s the time

between my birth

and my schooling.

Thanks to that

I managed to stay here.

Because when the traveler leaves the house

he loses the ability to control his environment.

At birth,we wrap up children in burkas,

Im sorry in burs,

And family is like an occasion in Wizzair –

love two people

and you will get the love of third one for free.

And Here

we just race

in who suffers the most,

I hurry so much

that I do not want

to give more effort,

I do not have time to think –

I constantly read the thoughts of other people.

Quote from the farmer’s calendar:

If a tree wants to reach its age,

it must follow the principle of slowness,

the older it gets the faster it grows.

The forests here are wonderful but spooky.

The glowing sun seemed like a fiery streak,

one arc glowing in space,

and the moon

turned into a ribbon

of waving light.

I was there,

I was standing in a queue to the bar

that was reaching the loo

and the queue to the loo was reaching the bar.

I was behind the girl from under the sign of information point,

her smile meant that

it is good to cry.

She told me

that an art that I like

will come back in style.

It was like a thermic dinner –

the first thing

that could not be improved

by my imagination.

It’s time to adjust,

match the color of the spaceship

to the color of the sky.

There is nothing worse

than returning the same way.

Thank you for the pictures

because I look really nice today.

BIO: Zofia Kuligowska, born in Poznań. Graduate of two faculties in University of Fine Arts in Poznań. Since 2009 I am a graphic designer, since 2012 I do performance art. Student of Janusz Baldyga, took part in numerous performance art workshops (with Monica Gunther and Ruedi Shille, Alistair McLennan, Adina Bar-On, Marilyn Arsem, Rody Hunter, Nigel Rolfe). Took part in Festivals in Poland: Contexts 2013 and 2017, Interactions 2014 and 2018, Malta Theater Festival, Poznań Gallery Weekend, and in Labirynth Gallery in Lublin. Abroad: Week of art in Lviv 2013, Double Blind in Savvy Conteporary in Berlin 2014, Sofia Underground 2017, Fab City in Amsterdam 2016. Took part in international projects: Aesthetics and Bias (poland/israel) Paradox (Poznań 2015 and London 2017), 3 months residency in Amsterdam with ELIA in 2016. Granted with Poznań City Council stipend for young artists in 2016. Took part in many griup exhibitions in Poland and abroad, last two in 2017 and 2018 in Arsenał Galery in Poznań. Im interested in langage and it’s usage in performance art. Levity in perceiving the reality as well as sense of humor is for me very important in performance art. Im a mother of 15 moths od Stan, living in Warsaw. ARTIST’S WEBSITE