This is a performance about the humans’ commitment to themselves. It is dedicated to all people living on planet Earth and it is asking the question will it happen or has it already happened that sources of satisfaction are coming from own being and not from other people or action in between like it usually was. Performance doesn’t have only the purpose to question the feeling as an reaction, the moment by itself, but also it is an appeal to sustainability of love as the only source of energy in humans, love that is always the only result of any communication between humans, one big family. The concrete action of the performance is showing and exanimating what possibilities, expressions and changes are possible to be done to one of the most caring, most personal parts of the body. Why, when and what for?
BIO: Sandra Božić is performance artist and architect born in Belgrade, Serbia(ex Yugoslavia). She lives in New York City, USA. Her professional work is based on performance art and architectural projects that are inspired by everyday life. She is the author and founder of social media platforms: Online Performance Art(www.onlineperformanceart.com) and Online Museum – Onlineum (www.onlineum.com). She realized over 50 live performances. ARTIST’S WEBSITE