kummer is a performance for the camera. The performer is present during the performance, but not visible in the video. Rather, the audience shares the gaze with the performer, as the camera takes the role of the performer\’s eyes. kummer is a performance about sorrow.
Sara Koller is a performance artist and meteorologist living in Bern. She holds a Certificate of Advanced Studies in Performance Art of the Accademia Teatro Dimitri in Switzerland directed by Stéphanie Lupo. Her performative work oscillates between dance, music and visual art. She cites the human body as the binding medium between these artistic disciplines. In her performative works, she deals with the search for intimacy and authenticity as a motor for more solidarity and empathy in society. She sees herself as a political artist and moves with unobtrusive commitment for a dignified coexistence in the field of political tension. Subtle and sensitive actions are her trademark, because it is her conviction that the subtle has a more lasting and positive impact than the obviously provocative. In her previous works she has collaborated with Omar Ghayatt, Shahzad Ismaily, Matt Mottel and Jyri Pasanen among others. She has shown her work all around the world: in Beirut, Yokohama, New York, Vienna, Zürich, Cologne, Tiflis and Venice. ARTIST’S WEBSITE