Welcome to the one and only Marflenap ladies and gentlemen, a live video and sound collage. Join me as I guide you with sensational enthusiasm into a veritable mind spurgle of multi-layered time squidge.In this durational performance I use open source streaming software and a combination of analogue and digital visual/audio elements to build a multi-layered video-trip. Each spontaneously created layer will be captured in the collage, later returning, gradually decaying, forming the backdrop for layers to come: an improvised conversation with time. It’s colourful (!) musical (!) and mildly confusing.
BIO: Thomas Mayer is a Berlin based Artist from Newcastle Upon Tyne. His work combines theatrical performance, live music and visual art to humorously explore themes around the duality of the human condition, ephemerality, process and transformation. He is particularly interested in creating real-time compositions which embrace the unique possibilities of any given moment. These often take the form of structured movement and sound based improvisations or performative installations involving site-specific elements, audience interaction and lots of precious mistakes. The compositions can be seen as a collaboration in a shared moment of time and space – a collective poetry, open to interpretation, which encourage autonomy, presence, intuition and interconnectedness. ARTIST’S WEBSITE