IDENTITIES “Identities” is a video project based on the short stories by the world-famous avant-gardist and absurdist writer Danil Harms. The idea for the project originates from the lockdown and other restrictive circumstances that the pandemic imposed on the world in general, and to the artists in particular. In search for the ones ‘meaning, self-realisation and fulfilment, the individual has faced the absurdity and banality of existence. Who am I in the given circumstances? What is my identity? Isolated in our homes during the lockdown we (the director, actors and the editor) decided that choosing to work on Harms’ short stories would be ideal for reflecting on the absurdity of the situation we found ourselves in: all theatres, art venues and film sets were put on standby, but on the other hand, our need for artistic expression was imploding in frustration. The preparations and the rehearsals for the project took place on ZOOM. The actors were filming themselves at their homes with cell phones, and after that, the video material was edited. The video project contains five different stories in which characters are struggling to comprehend the unique occurrences or dilemmas they stand before, in their own unconventional manner. The stories that include more than one characters are played by one actor, referring to the isolation, alienation and the mental distortion the pandemic has caused.
BIO: Wonderland Theatre is a theatre company that is committed to build an inclusive working community, varied workplace to people of all backgrounds. Much of our energy is dedicated to create a team that will balance the genders, age, ethnicity, disabilities and sexual orientation. Furthermore, our shows are regularly addressing the issues concerning the marginalized groups in our passionate effort to tackle the typical stereotypes of the society.