This work is the result of combing every single aspect of me as an artist in one piece all dedicate to my massage; Our freedom as women is worth fighting for. It takes courage to be a woman whether it’s just to buy milk at the store two min away at 11:00 p.m. or to be the only woman surrounded by 20 men in your programming class. It takes courage to dress the way want, to make your opinion heard, to live your life not controlled by fear. Unfortunately, men and women are not equal. It’s a simple fact. In my opinion, in order for us to be closer to equal, we have to be courageous. I was attacked multiple times and I stood up and kept walking. I’m not anything special, but my desire to be free is stronger than my fears. My performance is a movement piece that shows the journey from being completely innocent to being hurt over and over and still manage to stand up and keep going, keep fighting. With this piece, I want to introduce people to this pain in a different way and to show women that it’s worth fighting for our freedom.
BIO: Yaara Shilony is an Israeli artist based in Tel Aviv. Yaara studied acting in New York and performed in several off-Broadway plays (The owl girl, Acirema, etc), short films and a feature film. She currently studies costumes and set design, directing her first play and working on her monodrama.