Lena (Bologna, Italy): Fragile

  • 18 Dec 2021 12am UTC
  • dur 120min

lightweight flowers following the wind once we’re fresh now we scattered and drying yellowing dreams got bright now even brighter crying and loosing mirror reflection still orange not knowing who we are getting into the umbrella of our heads like lost autumn leave taken around by wind and then stuck in the tree brunches. The project is about the fragility, sensitivity how we can easily be broken flexed felt down how due to that we often change our faces and adapt. That’s why I use a lot of plants and flowers, flexible light materials, paint and ice.

BIO: Originally Russian, I moved lot around the world and now settled in Italy. I studied Fine Arts in Rotterdam in Netherlands. Last two years also exhibiting and making performances in Rotterdam. I live in Bologna and in love with the city. Most of my projects are about fragility of my experience of being a woman, how we can easily be broken, flexed, felt down, how due to that we often change our faces and adapt, but keep resistance. That’s why I use a lot of plants, flowers and flexible, light materials, materials which disappear and melt.