OPAF4_Navina Neverla 2

Navina Neverla (Hamburg, Germany)
Art worker’s won’t kiss ass (duration 2:28min)
Watch: 13th May 2017 at 7:30pm UTC

DESCRIPTION: Performance Intervention: \”Art workers won\’t kiss ass\” – by Navina Neverla @ Galeria Bessa Artes, Lisbon & DanceKiosk Festival Hamburg 48 hours Nomads, Hamburg in front of Deichtorhallen, Haus der Photographie, Germany. The work deals with the discrepancy between the actual state and the desired state of an artist\’s working condition and the socio-political as well as economic situation artists are exposed to. A seemingly indispensable self-marketing as well as a constant existential struggle for survival. Moreover, the socially constructed borders between inside & outside, private and public, between the artist\’s body and the art market are questioned. The intervention can be seen as a historical reference to a performance of the Art Workers Coalition, 1969, by the artist Poppy Johnson. The aim of the conceptual-minimalist work of the AWC, was the institutional criticism of galleries, museums and institutions of the art market. What has changed since 1969, what has remained the same?

BIO: Navina Neverla, born 1984 in Germany, works as an independent performer | contemporary dancer | artist | filmmaker internationally. Navina is interested in conceptual, minimal and experimental art work both in the performance & visual arts. As a contemporary dance & performance artist she has worked amongst others with Vânia Rovisco “Reacting to Time, Portugueses na Performance, Il faut danser Portugal” @ Círculo de Artes Plásticas de Coimbra [Circle of Visual Arts Coimbra], in 2016; André Guedes “Die Wiederherstellung des Geistes“ @ Vera Côrtes Art Agency Lisbon, in 2015; Vânia Rovisco “The Wall” @ the ATTIC, Lisbon in 2014; Bojana Cvejic & Christine de Smedt @ TATE Modern, London, UK in 2014; Kvata Mbiti “Body Sculptures“ @ BasseDance Performing Arts onto the Dancefloor, @ Mojo Club Hamburg, Germany in 2013; God’s Entertainment “Vienna’s Next Top Artist” @ Brut, Vienna in 2013; 2012 Isabelle Schad | Tanzinitive Hamburg “Hinter den Gärten“ @ site-specific in 2012; and many more. She holds a Master of Arts degree in Creative Practice: The Dance Professional Practice Pathway from Trinity Laban / Independent Dance. London, UK as well as a diploma in Visual Communication from HfBK -Academy of fine Arts Hamburg, Germany. Additionally, she has exhibited her work internationally amongst others at the following venues: DanceKiosk Hamburg 48 hours Nomads 2017, DanceKiosk 2012, Galeria Bessa Artes Lisbon, K3 Zentrum für Choreographie | Tanzplan Hamburg, Siobhan Davies Dance Studios London, Site-Specific London, Kampnagel as well as other Visual Art contexts and Filmfestivals internationally. She has received funding from Hamburg’s ministry of culture Hamburg, Hamburgische Kulturstiftung, Rudolf-Augstein Stiftung Hamburg & Larga Marcha Arte y Ediciones Madrid and has sucessfully lead a Crowdfunding Campaign in 2016. Navina has developed her work in the context of residencies at Fleetstreet Theatre Hamburg, AADK Centro Negra | Espacio de Investigación y Creación Contemporánea [Space for Contemporary Creation & Investigation] Spain & Gängeviertel Hamburg. Artist Website