OPAF6_Joshua Sailo

Joshua Sailo (Barcelona, Spain): For What It Hides and Reveals

  • Duration: 12 min
  • Watch: 2nd December 2017 at 5pm UTC

DESCRIPTION: Is the body’s generation of movement authentic? Or is it simply reproductions of past movement vocabulary and reactions that were learnt and acquired through social, cultural and institutional learning. This solo explores movement through improvisational studies and breathing new life to previously learnt phrases and choreography to decipher whether the body is simply a vessel of our history or does the body act like a brain – making new connections and producing new pathways of movement. I am interested in researching the embodiment of movement and gestural history that we carry in our bodies and how it manifests itself to create a personal idiosyncratic language in the way we present ourselves to others.

BIO: Joshua Sailo has been working as an independent artist in India and investigates movement through a multidisciplinary lens informed by close collaborations with artists across different disciplines and improvisational studies. His playful approach towards performance-making stems from a curiosity in the parallels, juxtapositions and conjunctions that exist within the interaction of different art forms.