opaf9_Anima Mortus

Anima Mortus (Jakarta, Indonesia): Water Cell (LOWRES)
  • duration: 3 min
  • watch: 12th July 2018 at 9pm UTC

DESECRIPTION: “We Remain Live in The Dark” It is the idea of re-stimulation of the human mind’s deepest power in capturing anxiety of terror and power against other human beings. Just as a power over power is itself the simplest thing that is at the root of a humanitarian crime. The materials I used were the sound footage of Mr. Trikoyo’s, a human victim ever imprisoned in Digul and Buru Island, and the video recording of the hot spring at Plantungan, a concentration camp area after 1 October 1965. Plantungan is a women-only camp of the genocide. I made by Adobe Premier exploring the intensity of the pulse of movement based on sound recording. The video called The Water Cell. This piece ever performed in different ways of the space, it was performed at The 1st NIPAF, 1 – 3 August 2017, Tokyo 3331 Arts Chiyoda (only the sound in dark room with flash), and as an installation performance at Sepersepuluh Gallery Jakarta in December 2017.

BIO: Okty Budiati is a performance artist from Jakarta, Indonesia who departed from classical Ballet. She explored her life into an art work of the poem, visual art, and performing art with the body movement. In 2006, she concerned into some productions as an actress, dancer, choreographer. Her first project, the psychosomatic project as a choreography; “Fragile and The Last Steps”, at Japan Foundation, Jakarta, in 2007, as the beginning of the somatic expressionist art as her experimental journey since 2003. In 2010, she focused on providing body techniques in the art community, and some high school. In the same year, as a freelance writer about the complexity, and philosophy of the body. In 2012, she founded Kebun Ilalang, a creative space, free charge for children, at Lenteng Agung, South Jakarta. In 2014, as a contributor articles on Our Voice Sites (LBGT), and Kesekolah.com. Her poems published both physically and digitally, and “Dead of The Body”, memoir of a dancer, published in 2016.  ARIST WEBSITE