opaf9_Juan Tirado

Juan Tirado (Berlin, Germany) : 13 (Performed by Frantics & LPCP) 
  • duration: 7 min
  • watch: 14th July 2018 at 6pm UTC

DESCRIPTION: When a group of humans faces a new threat or opportunity, it will perform high cooperation based on a personal acquaintance in order to overcome the current obstacle. As ultrasocial beings, humans perceive the group also as a way of self-identification, forming bonds with one another in order to perform complex actions, reach higher goals or to end up annihilating themselves in a spiral of hate and violence. Choreography: Juan Tirado / Dancers: Cheng An Wu, Yi-chin Chen, 沈樂, Sunny Yang, Marco Crash Di Nardo, 初培榕, Diego de la Rosa, Lune Bzhd, 林素蓮, Chien-Hao Chang and Wen-hao Chang. / Video: 何孟學 Music: Stephan Bodzin – Wir (Max Cooper remix) / Special thanks: Carlos Aller, OY Dancer, 陳運成, 咿為, Yen-Ching Lin.  juan tirado