opaf10_sociocreative trust

sociocreative trust (Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam): hymn for the beginning of time 
  • duration: 60 min
  • watch: 9th December 2018 at 10 am UTC 

DESCRIPTION: the four members of SCT live in different geographical locations (vietnam HCMC, regional australia, sydney and melbourne). in this this piece two trust members, Susie Anderson (Syd, Au) and Melissa Delaney (HCMC, Vietnam) will devise an online live performance. In this particular moment of history the SCT look beyond the current vision to create a place of wanting, yearning and sense. By using different aspects of creative practice (and the body as an energetic site), the trust members invite the audience to engage in the action both as observers and participants. (meditation, humming, making, story telling, writing) to enact moments of connection through clarity.

BIO: The sociocreative trust is formed of four artists and friends Susie Anderson, Melissa Delaney, Beck Pope & Gemma Robertson. Currently living in different corners of the globe, the trust is inspired by the desire to connect beyond imaginable borders. SCT uses the strength of ideas and process to make their own rhythms and to create a world of value through their collaborations. ARTIST’S WEBSITE[image_Alan_Weedon]