Carolina de Pinho (Belo Horizonte, Brazil): dams of silences about to break

  • watch: 5th July 2019 at 5pm UTC
  • duration: 40min

This performance deals with judgments, silences, erasures and oppressions. A woman, her body all covered in black, balancing stones while she offers flowers. In Brazil and in the world the woman, the Negro, and the LGBTQI population and many others have been censored, killed and tried. I choose a body neutralized and hidden because it can be any of these bodies, because we sometimes need to hide so we will not be stoned even when we offer flowers. This performance is about balancing amid stones and staying alive, and maintaining love. It’s about balancing the stones we take and turning pain into art. Some dams have broken down, destroying lives and memories … Every day are dammed and silenced natures, which inevitably erupt! Violent! Do you oppress your river? your nature? Your wish? Someone’s wish? The urge to cry? Of laughing? Speaking? Shut up? “What is your silence, about to break into a scream?” Performer: Carolina de Pinho. Performance idealized from the discipline “Performance and Politics” taught by Nina Caetano in the Masters in Cenic Arts – UFOP – Processes and Poetics of Cena Contemporanea.

BIO: Carolina de Pinho is an artist, researcher, teacher and body preparer, working on the thresholds between dance, theater and performance. She holds a PhD in Arts from the UFMG, Master in Performing Arts: Processes and Poetics of the Contemporary Scene, UFOP and postgraduate in the Professional Improvement in Dance: Creation, Improvisation and Teaching at PUC Minas. She is a teacher of expression and body technique of the technical training course for actors of CEFART and the artistic residence of the Palace of Arts. In her most recent work she performed as an actress with Teatro 171 (Territories), dancer in the show Variáveis ​​Ocultas (duo with Anderson Aleixo), performer with Obscene Collective and guest performer at the event “Des-Encontros: “, organized by Marcele Louzada. ARTIST’S WEBSITE