- watch: 29th March 2020 at 2pm UTC
- Postponed – New time March 31 at 12pm UTC
- duration: 60 min
Drawing thousands portraits of people for months. The typical Rabbath technique takes a few seconds for drawing a portrait. Thousands portraits to make the World a Better Place. The project will follow a specific social media campaign with live events and next future steps will be artistic residences. This is a participative contemporary performance art meeting with timeless skill and craftsmanship.
BIO: G.H. Rabbath Ph. D., born in Lebanon of Armenian-Syrian origin, is a performance artist using drawing and writing to empower people. He taught psychology and art theory, addressing neuroscience in relationship to conceptual art. In 2011 presents \”To Venice and Back… Again\” at 54th Venice Biennial (Istitutional Lebanese pavilion). \”The Better World Project\” idea was born in 2013 with a selection by United Nations Information Center. In 2015 the project \”Signing with Light\” was published in the book \”The Gulf\” at OR books on behalf of the GulfLabor.org artist coalition in the U.A.E. In 2018 the project LIFEUNINTERRUPTED has been welcomed at the “Amedeo Lia” Art Museum (La Spezia, Italy) for a yearlong art residency. Publications: – 2009 Can One Man Save the (Art) World – 2010 Mr Obaidi and the Fair Skies® Corporation ARTIST’S WEBSITE