DE-Forest-acción from magali reales on Vimeo.

Forests that from one moment to the next you find looted, this is linked to a cycle of demonstrations in Nederland due to the measures imposed on its farmers… the other restriction measures of the government in India, to prevent them from resorting to their practices of ancestral crops; these details suspiciously put two continents on the edge, at the crossroads, the two continents manifest themselves under the motto: WITHOUT FARMERS THERE IS NO FOOD” without agriculture there is no food-. While some want to preserve their territories, others loot stealthily. Going into the forest, trying to invent a movement or energy that stabilizes that energy, balancing or an attempt to evict “destruction”.
I was born in Cali in 1961 in Cali, Colombia. my nomadism begins in 1985, I have had more than 27 individual and collective exhibitions, live and video performance actions and installations in some parts of the world. Among my last significant exhibitions I can note: 2020. Art ID. Amsterdam 2020. In Between Memory and Forgetting. installation and performance: “they are killing us”. 2020. “chanting the names of the tribes”. -l’eglise- collective and space for photography. Palermo / Italy. 2020. “The names of the Amazon tribes”. in front of the building of the Roche pharmacy. BaselSwitzerland 2019. P. E. P. A. Small Performance Art Event, “golden expedition”. Madrid 2019. 2019. in.letter fluxus. Cafe Concert, Pombal-Portugal. 2018. El Callejón Gallery, “Fuga en Re Sideral”, individual exhibition. 2017. 2015. II Latin American Meeting of Researchers / on Embodiment and Cultures of. Performance, Bogota-Colombia. 2015 Varasanta Theatre. ¨ projection and text on stage -message for agatha from the stars-¨. Bogota Colombia. 2014 2014. Exterior Spatialities¨. District Planetarium of Bogotá Colombia.. 2013. Fictional Machines. “Agatha’s journey”, laboratory for the construction of an organic, collective ship. Bogota Colombia. The actions that I call “conta-mina-action” are carried out in two phases: in the first I designed them from the arduino where I created some programs that I installed under the canvas of my paintings, sensors identified as constellations and stars would be able to detect in color changes the temperature of a place. For the second phase, use the arduino and an “air quality” sensor, to install on a dressed paper, as a device that would detect the different emissions of toxic gases and clean air. The green and blue light of the led would then react to the stimuli of highly polluted air or butane gas, while the white leds would emit their light if the air was clean or free of toxins. The experience is still in progress, the program achieved on the arduino remains open. source for adjustments or, for that matter, changing the sensor for better accuracy information. I continue to use painting as a language of encounter between aboriginal thought and as a medium, a code to send messages, painting is a type of document, the constant annotation that precedes the actions, is for me a fundamental part of the narrative of the creative process.