22. Online Performance Art Festival
Lena (Bologna, Italy): Fragile
Zhuyu (Shanghai, China): Nobody is somebody
Maria Pinn Young Chan (Hong Kong): Listen to the WindYour work
The Performance, featuring poetry by Elenia Graf (Barcelona, Spain): Misphoria
Visheh Khatami Moghaddam (Amol, Iran): Garbage Bag
Dorte Bjerre Jensen (Frederiksberg, Denmark): I TURN MYSELF TO FACE ME
Fung Neo & Aurora Gazm (Copenhagen, Denmark): Bred Apart
Sonic Alliances (Naples, Italy): Mystic Love
Thomas Mayer (Berlin, Germany): Marflenap: a Live Video Collage
Sandra Bozic (New York, USA): Tesla
Nancy Görlach, Yağmur Taçar (Berlin, Germany/Dubai, UAE): Close – Up
Omaro Productions (Paris, France): UNI
ImprovFreedom (Vienna, Austria): Making up for it
Tobias Fike (Denver, CO, USA): Axe & Pick
Sandra Bozic (New York, USA): Tesla
Sandra Bozic (New York, USA): Tesla
Makoto Maruyama (Hiroshima, Japan): Poetry reading